22 my husband

22 my husband

Free Verse Poem by Phoenix Lilly

There’s a fever you can’t cool with a cloth
My stomach is turning gears and  snatching every word painfully
I try to formulate
Some feelings
A thought
My language is diced and scattered
My husband’s world lives inside my head
And I am a foreigner in my own country
My husband is in Afghanistan

I walk the pavement in my city
And handle conversations
But I exist in a place I can’t touch
And no one hears me
I’m here
I’ll never make sense except to my husband
Who knows my fears that have me on edge
Oh Gentle night
He’s taking off for work and we have a few moments
I love you
Sleep calm
He says before I’m left in silence
You are my everything
22 ( which is our language, how we say goodbye and he’s coming back)
I sigh under the stars
Cool breeze
I exist here where my husband feels home
My world is in his head too
The bombs and explosions
Won’t be his life forever
The way he cares for my heart
More than his fears
Is a place I see with my soul

Phoenix Lilly is a poet who was born in Oregon and recently moved to Utah a year ago to make a fresh start.  She loves reading poetry and wants to host a radio show one day with her husband.

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