Woman Weather

Free verse by Moe Phillips

Some women are April breezes,
wafting across a green lawn.
Swaying crisp white sheets
hanging in the sunshine,
on a country line.
Some women are cold November.
Drafts whispering with damp voices,
through cracks in hollow walls.
Some are the maelstrom leaving,
devastation in their mad wake.
Others, a hot desert wind
that carries the scent of
exotic spice to your tongue.
Some women howl like the North Wind.
Blowing down walls in their path.
Paving the way for a calm day,
where damaging winds
don’t blow and clouds paint
a still life in the sky.

Poet/writer/ filmmaker Moe Phillips is a native New Yorker with over 40 poems and essays published in anthologies for children and adults. Moe’s latest creation – “TheFeistybeast.com” is an audio content series she pens and produces.

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