Rain Song

Free Verse Poem by Liana Cass

there's not enough music
to conceal this mortal terror
as I keep on singing
to release the tremors
weight laden shoulders
trickle echos in my ears
but the song of silence
resounds ever clearer
hidden harmonies bear
some simple pleasure
make peace with what was
bring the white noise to order
storm racked brains drown-
flowing with the murky water
hot hands pull me
to wade deeper and swim farther
wrists holding fast
to overcome currents under
make this ocean of confusion
breathable for each other

Liana Cass is a queer college student in Boulder, CO. They have written a chapbook, “Eat or Be Eaten,” and plan to continue writing as they finish their degree. Coming from a unique perspective, they beautifully capture how love can help us stay afloat in the darkest times.

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