In Alan Bern's short fiction "Meira and the Iron Stove," the past and present intertwine as Meira reveals her deep-seated aversion to stoves, a phobia rooted in a traumatic summer in Assisi during World War II. Her confession to Fredo, mixed with her discomfort with the English word for stove, unveils layers of personal history and pain intertwined with her everyday life.
Meira and the Iron Stove
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Guest Author
July 6, 2023
In Margaret D. Stetz's free verse poem "Lionized," the intimate encounter between two lovers is captured in a confined studio where boundaries blur. As they ...
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The Woman at The Well
Mark Ready
April 9, 2023
Discover the timeless tale of faith and redemption in 'The Woman at The Well' by Mark Ready. Through a divine encounter, witness the awakening of ...
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