Thanks-giving Time

Prose by Danielle McMahon

Calling all you manicured cheek-pinchers, you part-time politicians. Bring out your dusted board games and fine-bone china.  Calling all you couch nappers, you gossip girls, you pretzel-gobblers.  Bring out your turtle necks and turkey legs.  Calling all you football hawks, you belt-unbucklers. Bring out your cinnamon-scent candles, your voluminous family albums.

It’s time for the windows of this home to fog with the warmth of good food and our laughter. It’s time to watch the cool November sun set slowly and deliberately over the peaks of our neighbor’s homes, like so much pumpkin pie. It’s time for Thanks-giving.

Danielle McMahon lives in PA with her family. Her poems have appeared in various literary journals.

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