A Horrible Rain

Flash Story by Raj

A powerful monsoon arose from the Arabian Sea in the distance. It’s a welcome sight for far-off farmers. It brought non-stop heavy rains for three days in the coastal belt. Within the five-mile radius of Marina Beach, the hungry sea swallowed everything in sight. A nearby village of three hundred fishers, gone. But the rescuers saved two hundred souls from the torrential rains.

At the rescue, a three-year-old boy with a piggy bank in hand wailed. He cried out at the top of his lungs, “mama, mama, papa.” Even the most hardened of men couldn’t restrain their tears. The tiny boy offered his life savings to anyone who could help him find his mom.

Raj is an educationist by career, writer-poet by passion, thinker by nature, humorous by taste, with a heart filled with empathy.

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