Written Tales gives new and seasoned writers a platform without censorship. A world stage where their work can reach maximum exposure through multiple channels.
Without creative arts, innovation dies. Society crumbles into the abyss of ignorance. And critical thinking, a lost art. Writers need an uncensored platform for their voices, and a community to help them grow. Because of this need, I fund the project because I believe in the cause.
However, we’re not reckless in what we publish, but open-minded. We believe in free speech and will protect it, even if we don’t agree with the author’s position. Some creative works may offend, others will bring happiness. It’s the beauty of a platform that does not restrict a person’s view. Again, we will not publish reckless writing. But writing that leads to lively debate, we will.
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Subscribe and receive full access to the Written Tales newsletter and website. Never miss an update to keep up to date. In addition, and more importantly, we are a member of the Community of Literary Magazines & Presses (clmp). Our main purpose, help bring literature back to the forefront of society through short stories, flash fiction, and poetry.

If you would like to become part of this cause, please join us at writtentales.substack.com.
Thank you,
Written Tales