
Prose Free Verse-hybrid Poem by Mimi Bordeaux

Slow down take a run
Wobbly— dribble — dabble addled eye balls gawking at.. what is that?

First encounter of the second kind

Clanging — clinging — cloistering— changing colours in daytime

Running lights off on subway hell

‘Hot in here, isn’t it’ I say to whoever is near

Heat draws itself up —from the toes —to the feet — up up in to— (glands bulge) your inner organs —liver slowly

Dying tangled — triangle — shaped kidneys — tingling — ringing ears —

Wet hands burning

Foil coil toil boil the beef stock until sober

‘Hot in here, isn’t it’ I say to whoever is near

For a squeeze of lemon — top of the class — cherry pop given freely without rates

Norman Bates — ooh scary film! rhymes with times dimes pines grimes

My partner in this crime of non reasoning
Steinmann Gloria Gaynor born to be alive pal gal mal Quel?

Slattery lids opening wide with ferocity
Rather rat sak induced shattering brain cells one every half minute

Taking the time
Productive — creative — tired up in addled mind

Hole drilled into a cavity in the brain — chemicals floating around point blank —

Blood constricted to a ball of ice-peaked at Antarctica poles apart

Gutteral gluten — free galloping for horses

Like the wind takes sheath from sword — points blank

Shooting fast — slowing down
Run — sun — pun — drum for your life —

Because there’s not much of it left after th

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