Facts of Life
"Facts of Life" by Tanja Cilia is a heartbreaking series of chained haikus that chronicles the life of a young slave girl. The verses are a stark reminder of the suffering and resilience found in the darkest corners of society.
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A Wistful Love Song
"A Wistful Love Song" by Sochukwu Ivye is a poetic reflection on the complexities of love. The piece navigates through the highs and lows of affection, portraying a heart caught between yearning and the cautious embrace of hope.
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Cassandra’s Curse
"Cassandra’s Curse" by LindaAnn LoSchiavo explores the haunting experience of a child who witnesses death and struggles to communicate it. The blank verse poem captures the frustration of being unheard, reminiscent of the tragic Cassandra.
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Rolling Down Life’s Highway In A Wheelchair
In Rolling Down Life’s Highway In A Wheelchair, Denise Landry explores the resilience of the human spirit through the perspective of someone navigating life’s challenges in a wheelchair. The poem offers a poignant reflection on how others perceive vulnerability and ...
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The Day My Life Began & Ended
In The Day My Life Began & Ended, Gia Porter explores the emotional journey of a mother through her child’s life stages. Each milestone, from first cries to becoming a man, signifies a momentous shift in the mother's own existence ...
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Existential Musings
Existential Musings by Miriam Manglani is a contemplative free verse poem that grapples with profound questions of identity and existence. The poet describes a sense of entrapment within a disorienting world, where walls seem to close in on their very ...
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Panic Attack
In "Panic Attack," Regan Minkel evokes the suffocating weight of anxiety through vivid imagery, likening the experience to the crushing pressure of a grand piano and the loss of a childhood home.
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Mushroom Man
In "Mushroom Man," Bradford Gyori takes us into the obsessive world of Rance, a mycophile whose passion for foraging leads him deep into a shadowy forest. As the dark corners of the glade reveal their secrets, Rance's journey takes a ...
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The Sacred Tempest
In "The Sacred Tempest," Amada paints a vivid picture of emotional turbulence and haunting memories. Through misty visions, the poem explores the weight of a past dominated by a commanding presence.
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A Still Palette
A Still Palette by Dibyasree Nandy paints a winter scene with vivid strokes of alabaster and mauve. The poem captures a December sky, where the sun's light barely touches a world wrapped in silence.
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