Short Stories

Holly Jolly Highjinks

Unravel 'Holly Jolly Highjinks' by Kelly Turner: Laughter and Tears Amidst Sisters' Winter Break. Angela's quest for composure and sisterly bonds collide in a seasonal summit of love and holiday cheer.
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In "Certainty," Anna Rozwadowska's short story delves into the paradoxes of altruism and self-perception. Sylvia grapples with the meaning of giving amidst personal struggles with dyslexia and the pursuit of recognition. The narrative explores her journey towards self-realization and the ...
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Shakespearean Tragedy

Uncover the chilling story of "Shakespearean Tragedy" by Susan Cornford, where the magic of the stage collides with the harrowing reality of extremism. As the curtains rise, a world of passion and poetry becomes entangled in a sinister plot, leaving ...
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November 5, 2022

In November 5, 2022, a short story by Gary Percesepe, the last blooms of a New York garden contrast with the looming despair of another election. Amid the autumn leaves, a dog’s cheerfulness brings a fleeting moment of calm.
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Road Rash

"Road Rash" by Lee Hammerschmidt exposes the cruel intersection of crime and technology. Detective Garnish and Bill grapple with the aftermath of a deadly bike bombing, revealing the treacherous power of e-bikes and the dark secrets they conceal.
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