Short Stories

The Yoke of Unknowing

In Mark Christhilf’s short story "The Yoke of Unknowing," a mother reflects on the devastating loss of her three daughters to a rare breast cancer. The story delves into the agonizing decisions made in the face of medical helplessness and ...
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My Cousin Jim

In Geoff LaCasse’s short fiction "My Cousin Jim," the narrator reflects on an invitation from a distant relative, Cousin Jim, who reaches out for a family visit. The story explores themes of isolation and familial disconnection, highlighting how even the ...
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Well It's Lyin' Time Again

In "Well It's Lyin' Time Again" by Lee Hammerschmidt, Colonel Rodrigo seeks the expertise of Carmen Laveau, a descendant of the Queen of Voodoo, to extract the truth from a captured rebel. Conventional methods have failed, leaving them desperate for ...
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Premier Sin

In "Premier Sin" by Dany Keagan, a desperate escape through a rain-soaked forest leaves the protagonist on the brink of collapse. As they pause to catch their breath, the instinct to cry out is suppressed, knowing any sound could betray ...
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The Last Elephant

In Ellis Shuman's short story "The Last Elephant," Ethan eagerly anticipates a school outing to the zoo with his friends, marking off days until the big event. The excitement peaks as they arrive and are introduced to a zoo employee, ...
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In Relapse by Cheryl Snell, a narrator trapped in a psychiatric hospital wrestles with her distorted perceptions, denying accusations from her family while struggling with her own reality. The unsettling environment reflects her fractured mind.
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Goree Island

In "Goree Island," James Roth crafts a compelling creative non-fiction piece that takes readers on a poignant journey through Senegal’s historical landscape. Through vivid descriptions and personal observations, Roth contrasts the vibrant local commerce with the solemn history of the ...
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