Short Stories


Dive into the heartwarming tale of "Crunch" by Doug Hawley, where a man with a modest job and a woman with an impressive academic background prove that love conquers all, inspiring readers to embrace unconventional paths to happiness.
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The Woman at The Well

Discover the timeless tale of faith and redemption in 'The Woman at The Well' by Mark Ready. Through a divine encounter, witness the awakening of a weary heart, as the living water offered by Jesus brings forth a wellspring of ...
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Under the Radar

Evie Groch's short story, Under the Radar, follows a character who must sift through a stack of impressive resumes to choose the right person to meet in real life. The story explores the tension between paper qualifications and genuine human ...
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A Voice From the Past

JC Scull's "A Voice From the Past" tells the story of a man who is suddenly reconnected with Hanna, a fierce and unforgettable woman from his past. Her urgent message stirs up long-forgotten memories and emotions, leading him on a ...
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The Eastside Invisible Man

In "The Eastside Invisible Man" by JP Lorence, an ordinary bus stop turns into a stage for a dramatic monologue. A homeless man, in ragged clothes, passionately defends himself against unseen accusers, drawing attention to the invisible struggles he faces. ...
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Echoes of the Ocean

Nitika Balaram’s Echoes of the Ocean presents a compelling flash fiction story where the ocean’s rhythmic whispers become a metaphor for personal reflection. The tale elegantly intertwines the natural world with the protagonist’s introspective journey.
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An Interview With Stalin in Hell

J C Scull’s An Interview With Stalin in Hell follows a curious traveler entering Hell, armed with a celestial passport and a mission to interview Stalin. The gates of the underworld open to reveal an eerie, bureaucratic twist.
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My Memories — The Mirror

In My Memories — The Mirror, a flash fiction story by J C Scull, an aging face reflects a life lived. The mirror reveals not just wrinkles but memories, each line a testament to time’s passage.
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