Short Stories

I Don't Regret

In "I Don’t Regret," J.B. Polk reflects on turning 60 while listening to Edith Piaf's poignant song. As he contemplates his life during a traffic jam, he finds no regrets about his past but experiences a tinge of sadness for ...
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In Midair

In "In Midair," Diane Kimbrell captures the excitement and underlying tension of a young girl's first circus experience. As she navigates the thrill of the spectacle against a backdrop of familial turmoil and personal fears, the story poignantly contrasts the ...
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In "R-E-S-P-E-C-T," Phil Temples captures a moment of romantic intimacy set against a serene woodland backdrop. As Ray and Elma pause during their hike, a simple yet charged interaction unfolds, highlighting the nuances of their connection and the power of ...
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In "Mush," Phil Temples explores a peculiar global phenomenon where an enigmatic song posted on YouTube becomes a pervasive earworm. The flash fiction delves into the unexpected and widespread impact of the tune, revealing the strange ways it captivates and ...
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Love With An Axe

In "Love With An Axe," Holly Ellison presents a humorous and tense moment as a phone call interrupts a character's nap. The story cleverly captures the disruption of tranquility and the ensuing confusion with vivid, relatable details and a touch ...
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Frame by Frame

In "Frame by Frame," a short story by Gina Angelone, the narrator reflects on the monotony of Pilates classes in isolation, while pondering the emptiness of her ex-husband's minimalist life. Through sharp, observational humor, Angelone examines both physical and emotional ...
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In "Farewell," a flash fiction piece by Jamie Lammers, a haunting phrase transforms into a surreal vision of swallows and a mysterious figure. The imagery of fading life and the desperate search for connection lingers long after the final word.
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Beneath the Char

In "Beneath the Char," Kate McGovern crafts a vivid scene where the mundane act of scraping burnt toast transforms into a symphony of sounds and unspoken tension. The story captures the emotional undercurrents of domestic life with striking auditory imagery ...
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