Clean Energy Call

Poem by Ndaba Sibanda

Thembi torches my soul
as she talks and touches 
on the imperiled wailing whales,
fuming fisheries, slimy oil spills,
crying communities and ecosystems.

She laments lamentations of the advent 
of hurtful heatwaves, of the melting sea ice,
of busy business deals that endanger the safety
of dwindling species, of extreme weather events,
and a capacity for a solar and wind energy transition.

Thembi touches on a touching reality, a nerve center, 
I have listened to her pleas, never has the activist said this:
my apologies, populaces , it’s pathetic that I cannot provide 
you with further information and assistance as your inquiry 
lies beyond my jurisdiction of interest, mandate and expertise.

Thembi and other climate change activists are my icons, 
She says: please populaces, tell them to desist from leasing 
our waters to oil and gas multinationals, for we have had enough 
of the perils associated with climate-shattering fossil fuels,
it’s time to transition to 100% clean energy to protect our planet. 

Sibanda is a Bulawayo-born poet, novelist and nonfiction writer who has authored twenty-eight published books of various genres and persuasions and coauthored more than 100 published books. Some of Ndaba`s works are found or forthcoming in Page & Spine, Piker Press, SCARLET LEAF REVIEW.

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