Grateful for Today

Poem by Dawn Colclasure

I am grateful for today
For the new sunrise that has happened
Bringing in a new day
For me to live.

I know that others are sad now.
That others are hurting now.
And that others are no longer here.
But I am still grateful for today.

I am grateful
That I was able to still sleep
Despite all the worries of a
Yesterday filled with terror and worry.

I am grateful
That some still managed
To survive the onslaught of yesterday
And that we can fight to get through today.

I am grateful
That there is still peace
Elsewhere in the world.
There is still hope
That we can survive.

I am grateful for today.
This new day to live.
This new day to get through
And make good things happen despite the bad.

Dawn Colclasure is a writer in Oregon. She is the author of several books. Her poems have appeared in PANIC! Poetry & Arts, Happy Insomniac, EOTU E-Zine of Fiction, Art and Poetry, The Front Porch Review and HNDL Mag, among others.

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