Written Tales Publishing Schedule

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Sestina in Spain

Ana Stevenson is a writer and philosopher from Saint Paul, Minnesota. She recently graduated from the University of St. Thomas, where she studied Philosophy and English Literature. Ana is a previously unpublished poet and fiction writer.


Caitlin Randolph is a twenty-three-year-old author located in California who draws on personal experience to write emotional and honest works. She has recently graduated, with honors, from Cal State San Bernardino with a bachelor's degree in English Creative Writing. She aspires to write professionally and is currently writing a fantasy novel.

The Boy from the Shadow of Long Mountain

Thomas Harrison Humphreys, with a BS from the University of Lynchburg, is a history teacher in a small village who loves to talk to his students of literature. Thomas has been published in Westward Quarterly, Poetry Quarterly, Writers and Readers Magazine, Copperfield Review Quarterly, Written Tales and Mystic Publishers.


Caitlin Randolph is a twenty-three year old author, located in California, who draws on personal experience to write emotional and honest works. She has recently graduated, with honors, from Cal State San Bernardino with a bachelor's degree in English Creative Writing. She aspires to write professionally and is currently writing a fantasy novel.

The Flock

Vulpes Corsac is an aspiring author with an infinitely growing passion for animals. His writings often suck the reader in, captivating them with only a few words.

I’ve Already Written this Poem, but Hear Me Out

Victoria James is an English and Creative Writing teacher. She was awarded a Masters of Science in Secondary Education and a Masters of the Arts in Literature from Pitt State University. Her fiction appears in Choeofpleirn’s Spring Magazine and Cow Creek Review. Her poetry appears in Cow Creek Review, Empyrean Literary Magazine, and more.


Thompson Emate spends his leisure time on creative writing, particularly poetry and prose. He has a deep love for nature and the arts. His poems can be seen in Poetry Potion, Poetry Soup, Visual Verse, Writers Space Africa magazine, ScribesMICRO and elsewhere. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.


A former academic, poet, short story writer, novelist, reviewer, and critic, K.V. Raghupathi writes in ENGLISH. His poetry has been widely anthologized and published in print and online journals. Currently, he lives in Tirupati, India.

We Both Know How to Find Peace or Make It Enduring

Jasleen Saini, a Chandigarh, India-based poetess who loves to explore diverse themes through creative words, imagery, and surrealism. Through her poems, she intends to evoke strong emotions in readers and make them ponder things they have never thought about before. Her innovative poem was published in the third issue of Free Verse Revolution.

Poetry Is Not

Sochukwu Ivye is an English-language enthusiast who loves crafting rhymed metrical poems. He teaches English at a private college and also mentors aspiring writers, works as a copyeditor, and coaches students in literary pursuits. Hailing from Isseke, an ancient Igbo town in Eastern Nigeria, he brings a rich cultural heritage to his craft.

BartholowMew Simpsunny – The Stray Who Came In From The Heat

Ken Gosse prefers writing metric, rhyming, light verse. First published in First Literary Review-East in 2016 and since then by Pure Slush, Spillwords, Written Tales Magazine, and others including print anthologies. Raised in the Chicago suburbs, now retired, he and his wife have lived in Mesa, AZ.

Malfunctioning Creation

Neha Mohajer is a young writer who believes in the power of words and wishes to change the world one word at a time. She hopes that her words inspire action within herself and those around her. A vision of unity inspires her thoughts. The vision of a world without wars, a world that embraces ... Read more

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