Written Tales Publishing Schedule

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Perfect Harmony

Christine Law, a passionate writer in her late sixties, finds the process of crafting words and ideas onto paper both interesting and rewarding. As a proud member of the Authors Licensing and Collecting Society, she channels her joy of writing into exploring various topics, often delving into events as they unfold. May her love for ... Read more

Grateful for Today

Dawn Colclasure is a writer in Oregon. She is the author of several books. Her poems have appeared in PANIC! Poetry & Arts, Happy Insomniac, EOTU E-Zine of Fiction, Art and Poetry, The Front Porch Review and HNDL Mag, among others.

A Similitude

Shamik Banerjee is a poet from India. He resides in Assam with his parents. His poems have appeared in Fevers of the Mind, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, and Westward Quarterly, Dreich, The Hypertexts, among others, and some of his poems are forthcoming in Willow Review and Ekstasis, to name a few.

view published articles on writtentales.substack.com.