Written Tales Publishing Schedule

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Caitlin Randolph is a twenty-three-year-old author located in California who draws on personal experience to write emotional and honest works. She has recently graduated, with honors, from Cal State San Bernardino with a bachelor's degree in English Creative Writing. She aspires to write professionally and is currently writing a fantasy novel.

Summer of London

Jonathan Chibuike Ukah is a Pushcart-nominated poet from the United Kingdom. His poems have been featured in Atticus Review, Written Tales, Proipel Magazine, The Pierian, Clockhouse and elsewhere. He won the Alexander Pope Poetry Award in 2023 and Unleash Lit's Editor's Choice Poetry Prize in 2024.

The Boy from the Shadow of Long Mountain

Thomas Harrison Humphreys, with a BS from the University of Lynchburg, is a history teacher in a small village who loves to talk to his students of literature. Thomas has been published in Westward Quarterly, Poetry Quarterly, Writers and Readers Magazine, Copperfield Review Quarterly, Written Tales and Mystic Publishers.

view published articles on writtentales.substack.com.