Everything Melts Eventually

Free Verse Poem by Luna Evraire

The snow falls in pretty,
Unperfect flakes
The sun making them glitter. 

Once it’s stops, I know
- For I have done it before -
That I will kick the ground,
Trying to mimick the magic
Of this ethereal trick 

Who’s only beautiful if it dies 
Who’s only temporary 
Who’s constantly changing 
Who comes with no warning

I want to enjoy it
But I know this is only leading to an end
Why go through the trouble of liking
If it’s only going to be pain ?

Why seek the truth when you can believe their beautiful lies ? 

Luna (she/her) is an aspiring author who loves to write under all sorts of forms. Poetry has become a part of her life that saves her when everything becomes too much. She loves to write about things she never says aloud.

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