Fissured Life Yet Reason to Hope

Acrostic Poem by Gurupreet K Khalsa

They weep here/ for how the world goes.

“The Aeneid,” 56-57

Pretension cloaking despair –

Entropy’s unbearable imminence crosses

A line in time’s sand, broken by chaos

Caught half up and half down,

Emerging as the bleak decoherence

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Of quirled expectations. Eye to the fractal scope:

New gossamer symmetry, essential beauty

Elevates by degrees past scything cynicism,

A journey through a maze undone by light

Reflecting galactic stepping stones,

The power of Right and Justice,

Hope to mend a fractured world.

Unbearable imminence:

Ben H. Winters, “The Last Policeman” (2012)

Gurupreet K. Khalsa, a current resident of Alabama, considers connections, space, time, reality, illusion, and possibility. She holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Design and is a part time instructor in graduate education programs. Her work has appeared in multiple journals; many poems have received awards.

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