Hope is…

Poem by Joy Moore

Hope is a light
inside of man.
It tells us to roar.
It tells us we can.

Hope is for rising
and wiping the tears.
No matter the darkness
it is stronger than fear.

Hope has a power
gives strength and drive.
Through winters and storms
to adapt and thrive.

Hope can be stubborn
as hard as a stone.
It will face down the future
it will walk the unknown.

Despite all the logic
despite the great scope
despite all the odds
we hold on to hope.

It rises from ashes
of shattered dreams.
Hope will emerge
when daylight beams

Joy Moore’s previous published works include Wiggle-Wiggle, Scratch-Scratch-, Itch-Itch-Itch with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and many magazine articles and poems.

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