Land of the Free

Land of the Free

Poem by Fabrice Poussin

Buried within the shroud of her black glory
she waltzed into the crowd wearing that kind gaze
light beneath the perfume of her feminine days
she seemed to float in a dreamy fortress.

Behind the curtains of her last performance
she hid tears only she understood
singing of the distress none suspected
drowning in the sharp liquid of ecstasy.

Fleeting hugs beside a strange showroom
and she disappeared in another life
to travel roads and skies in search of something
a mystery secret to her though always hers.

At last, she speaks in the voice she sought
a surprise to all those who knew her
but what can a heavy soul like hers
mean to the willingly deaf and blind stranger.

Free she is sure to change this world
her immense heart submitted to the pain
a book upon which history will be written
in words which will sound a little more like a symphony.

Poussin’s work in poetry and photography has appeared in hundreds of magazines. Most recently, his collection “In Absentia,” was published with Silver Bow Publishing.

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