My Spring Season Sequential Sequels

Free Verse Poem by Sarah

Spring season in the UK in a 3-part sequel 🌱🌼🌞

Episode 1: 🌱

spring has just begun in the UK

The wonders of the world,

The clouds barrel into the pools of blue, crashing into golden sunlight streaks piercing through the sky,

A canvas of colour full of shades you cannot clarify,

As it floats by just above the likes of you and I,

Perched on a grand oak tree, the birds soulfully sing,

Chirping a conversation, to us its a tweeting tune and the flapping of a wing,

The squirrels soon noticed me,

As they scurry away up the Acorn tree, Watching and waiting from a bountiful beautiful branch,

Until it’s safe to come thundering down the tree trunk,

To continue filling up their cheeks and arms,

The bunnies are bashful and shy and bolts for the bushes in the blink of an eye,

Unlike the bold butterflies that flutter brazenly through the skies,

Despite being delicate delights, full of vivid colours brightening up the sky, Just like fire flies burning bright in the nights eye,

The Lakes shimmer glistening in the rays of sunlight,

With a solid stillness that’s glass-like, Until a single ripples ride causes the surface and dark depths to collide,

We will never behold the secrets the dark depths haven’t told,

Up above the geese are gathering getting ready for a good gaggling or perhaps they’re giggling,

One things for sure they are certainly chitter chattering

The swans slide in silence paired with pure panache,

They are the Royalty of the water praised, poised and posh,

Ruling with regality and gracility and conduct,

Often looking down their elegant elongated necks,

At the peasant quarrelsome quacking ducks,

With utter distaste and disgust,

Flashes of yellow from Spring daffs sway away,

Dancing in the Whispers of the winds, a beautiful array

Petals from the Violets and bluebells amongst the lavender fields enhance what the emblazon earth’s birthed,

The bees buzz in between the Floral display,

The nectar is their nicotine bouquet buffet,

What wonders our world has to behold from for us to nurture,

The Creator blessed us not only with nature,

But every Acre each creature from the Grand Canyon a magnificent crater, to the Icelandic’s glistening glacier, everything is a fantastic feature,

We are blessed, to walk amongst the wonders of this world.

Episode 2: 🌼

Autumn has been erased, and we are in the full UK Spring season

Spring time dance

The winter solstice has passed, so the spring dance can begin at last,

and everyone is invited, from every tree as far as the eye can see.

To each and every flourishing flower, the buzzing bees and singing birdies.

Over the coming months everyone’s waking up, deep sleeps are a thing of the past

the green grass dancefloor has finally opened at long last.

The fairies have bloomed into their golden princess dresses,

They’ve finally become daring dancing dandelions and ladies tresses.

Greeted by the Dante daisies and the tulips as they tap dance and prance,

They are the first guests of many who will be attending the spring dance.

To twirl, swirl, glide, slide to sway the spring away at the infamous green grass dancefloor.

The butterflies flutter, dancing among the swaying dewdrops a sight to adore.

It’s a summertime delight the sun is a disco ball in the sky,

it’s ray’s the stages spotlight complementing the sparkle of the firefly.

The VIPS of the night are ready to sprout up stars of the springtime dance.

They only make an appearance but once a year, to attend the dance

The daffodil delicately and dutifully arrives, just ahead of the spring dancer’s highlights.

Then the sunflower the true king of spring stalks tall with heads big bold and bright,

basking in the sun’s spotlight, they tower above all, beautifully they are simply the best,

greeting all the guests as they wake from their slumbering rest.

It’s time to let the annual springtime dance commence.

The colours are so vivid; the sounds so sweet; the aroma a fragrant floral incense

In which nothing else can compete.

On the lush green grass dancefloor wildflowers of all types, and kind begin to thrive.

The ants aim for the surface to watch the grasshopper’s lively jive.

The Beatles brazen colours shimmer green and blue, the springs strobe lights.

The swans simply glide on the lake alongside, playing eye spy through the towering, tall reeds.

Buttercups sporadically spread breaking up the greens.

Herons hiding in wait to see the glistening of scales,

he hopes and he’s praying his catch never fails.

Fish flip creating mesmerising whirlpools on the water’s surface.

Frogs, newts, and tadpoles are too nervous, so they attend just under the surface.

Ducks sound like they’re having a quack attack as they simply chitter chat.

Who knows the topic of the gossip, probably a bit of this and that,

Their dance is more of a glide, to allow for chitter chatter, so up down around and back

they slide, and on occasion they duck their heads down to dive.

Their arch nemesis the geese, glare as they arrive occasionally exchanging a honk or a hiss.

But if ducks dare to come near then it’ll be a nip certainly not a kiss.

Blue bells blush upon the green grass dancefloor, as the clouds disperse and the blue skies open up, for the sun to shine once more

Blackbirds sing high up in the trees their feathers dancing in the breeze.

The spring dance truly shows the beauty of nature’s world

How lucky we are to enjoy the wonders of this dreamy world

Episode 3: 🌞

Spring has sprung and is ready for the summer to come and sunshine kisses have begun now potentially completing my UK spring time poetry trilogy

Spring sashay this way

Oh look a little babbling brook a classic country scenic site

Listen to its babbling bliss It is like a greeting from the brooks water sprite,

As the water babbles over pebbles so smooth like silk so sheer

It’s water effortlessly flows glistening as it’s completely crystal clear

Just Look at you down there hidden away so Inconspicuous

Each inch is like a living renaissance picture, such picturesque pictures

The brook is camouflaged amongst the ditches brush

Thankfully it’s babbling gives it away, a splendid sound we don’t want to hush

You think you’ve found the end of that little babbling brook until you see

The water continues under a little trolls bridge beyond what the eye can see,

I guess it flows ahead babbling through many brooks for miles and miles ahead

Until it stream lines with a stream or reaches a rivers head

Maybe it locks with a lake or perhaps it’ll even see the sea,

one thing is for sure the water in this babbling brook is forever flowing free,

Just like the flourishing leaves on all the trees

As the seasons change the shoots begin to spring from mere seeds

To little tightly caressed shoots and buds starting to fill the bare trees,

Just waiting for the sunshine kisses to awaken them just like sleeping beauties prince,

Slowly they unravel into lushes bright waxey green leaves shiny and new

Bundles of Blossom petals as white as snow White was to,

They start to pop open like little ballerinas in pastel dresses performing cambre

Followed by the cherry blossom ballerinas opening with Echappe

Nature’s starting to paint over it’s autumnal canvas

With splashes of summer colour from plants like the strophanthus and dianthus,

Rainbows fill the skies with a beautiful memorial of the great seasonal battle,

Between the April showers and Mays spring sun rays who seems to have finally won

Autumn is ending and spring has finally arrived and summer will soon have begun.

Sarah is a novice writer of Child and adult fiction as well as she a published poet. Writing Poetry saved Sarah’s life after leaving an abusive relationship & coping with a chronic illness, Sarah’s mental health wasn’t good, poetry brought her out the dark and back to the light.

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