

Poem by Liana Cass

aphasia unwelcome 
soft molding words
back broken tongues
wretched songs unborn

loss most remembered
is never well found
rage wrecked wood rot-
better love now unbound

break off my hands
let them fall to the floor
shuddering palms on the wood 
streams of blood take their form

falling to my knees  
splash dark rivers
black lungs bellow
their last arid shivers

jackets worn through
stagnant smelling blood
ignore my old corpse
the worst has begun.

where are you 
when you need me?
when will i be 
what you want?

bloodless limbs 
in perfect placement
beg the ground

am i enough for you now?

Liana is a college student in Boulder, Colorado, who’s been writing for the last two years. The poems shared explore the themes of love, loss, death, differences, and mental health issues. They hope to help bring much healing and comfort to others as it brings to them through the prose written.

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