In Sally Bonn-Ohiaeriaku’s "Patricia," a woman’s life in bustling Borokiri takes a dramatic turn following a fateful encounter with a charismatic pastor. Patricia’s journey of grace and elegance is upended when the pastor reveals that her long-time fiancé, Peter, is not meant for her according to divine will. This revelation shakes Patricia, who had supported Peter through hardships and anticipated his return from abroad.
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Ice on the Branch
Guest Author
July 5, 2023
In Suzanna C. de Baca's poem "Ice on the Branch," the fragile beauty of a frozen branch reflects the poignant tension between radiance and fragility. ...
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Someone Covered The Tracks With Snow
Guest Author
March 20, 2023
Mykyta Ryzhykh's "Someone Covered The Tracks With Snow" explores the transient and cyclical aspects of life. Through evocative imagery, the poem connects the journey of ...
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