The Laborious Way
In "The Laborious Way," Brian Hill crafts a hauntingly vivid portrayal of a man trudging through life’s final stretch. The poem speaks to the relentless weight of time and struggle. ...
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My Easter Treat
Mabel Osejindu’s poem "My Easter Treat" gently reminds readers of the true meaning behind Easter. Amidst the abundance of Easter eggs, the poem reflects on the profound sacrifice of Jesus ...
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Casu Poenitet
In "Casu Poenitet," Robert Trakofler evokes a moment frozen in time. The poem captures the fading beauty of a once-vibrant place, where a solitary figure reflects the bittersweet blend of ...
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Gather Round
Chef Soigne's poem "Gather Round" invites readers into a cozy, nurturing moment. Through playful imagery of woolly sheep and warm blankets, the poem captures the essence of togetherness and comfort, ...
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The Lilies of Gethsemane
In "The Lilies of Gethsemane," Linda Imbler crafts a reflective poem that captures the quiet, sacred beauty of Easter morning. As petals unfold at dawn, they stand as silent heralds ...
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In Seek of the World To Believers
In Judekelvin Igbonekwu's poem "In Seek of the World To Believers," the poet reflects on the nature of belief across religions, urging an understanding of the human mind's depth. The ...
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Passion, Belief and Forgiveness
Raymon Walker's "Passion, Belief and Forgiveness" explores a moment of introspection as an old soldier kneels in the ashes of a destroyed church. Confronting his past misdeeds, he seeks divine ...
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