Malfunctioning Creation

Poem by Neha Mohajer

Have I sinned in ways unannounced?
For speaking of others, keeping aside my own crowd.
I am not of me, nor you, 
I am of us, a form I hold true.

You, a restraining word.
For your identity is chained by such verse.
You are you, I am me, 
We are defined as separate entities.

Yet, once the night comes, we all sleep,
Some in fear of us, while others deep. 
In this fear you revel,
For if only we had the ability to see.

You blind our eyes, bind our hands,
Knife to our minds, 
Slowly sliding down in a line.
Place a burning iron against our mouth,
In fear of a fire that can not be undone.
For if the truth was voiced,
The world would crumble from under your unshakable vice.

One can’t think outside your belief,
For if we look, we’ll see that all bleed equally.
Bound within the shackles of your thoughts,
An invisible line we can not cross.

I am right, you are wrong,
Why must our belief be so strong?
Our mind, a mere organ,
So weak, yet so strong in its will.

If only this strength was focused,
On deeds of love, instead of hatred so vocal,
Maybe our world would choose to be
The manifestation of divine peace.

All it takes is our resolve,
To be bringers of peace instead of war.

Neha Mohajer is a young writer who believes in the power of words and wishes to change the world one word at a time. She hopes that her words inspire action within herself and those around her. A vision of unity inspires her thoughts. The vision of a world without wars, a world that embraces peace. Her writing expresses the same.

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1 thought on “Malfunctioning Creation”

  1. Words do have the power to change the world provided more and more people speak with the same word. At present words of hate seem to be more trending. But it’s usually a minority of people who speak loudly and make themselves heard.
    When the majority who are peace loving speak as loudly the world will change.


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