The Legend

Poem by Thompson Emate

A flower that has several times risen from the dust,
A meadow that has not lost its lush,
She has risen from the darkest days,
She has found the hidden ways.

A stream that meanders around its obstacles,
A tree that’s recalcitrant to autumn’s gloom,
She has pushed beyond the borders of the night,
She has sailed across turbulent seas.

An eagle that has dared lofty heights,
A car that has gone on uncommon mileage,
She summons the elements of nature,
She adds her colours to Dawn’s portrait.

A symphony that awakens from slumber,
A voice that stands the weary on their feet,
She’s the mother of six,
A dozen sits around her.

Thompson Emate spends his leisure time on creative writing, particularly poetry and prose. He has a deep love for nature and the arts. His poems can be seen in Poetry Potion, Poetry Soup, Visual Verse, Writers Space Africa magazine, ScribesMICRO and elsewhere. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

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