To Be Me

To Be Me

Poem by Linda Crate

freedom for me
will always be
without strings attached,
if i didn't have to worry about
paying bills
then i would be free to travel
as my whims carried me;
don't know how we agreed to be
shackled to the demands
of the rich but i just want to live
not simply exist—
to be able to thrive and flourish and bloom
where i can as i am able without 
being too exhausted to chase the dreams
that make my heart flutter
outside of work,
because art and music and writing have
always offered me escape—
i want freedom from society because their
knives are so sharp,
and their greed is even more
i just want to be able me without
apology and without being threatened—
freedom means being your whole 
authentic self without apology,
this is all i have ever wanted: to be me.

Linda M. Crate’s (she/her) is a Pennsylvanian writer who likes to incorporate elements of fantasy and mythology into her works.

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