Uncensored: More Censored than Censored

Short Story by Todd Fabyanic

A new term called “Uncensored,” seems to be the new catchphrase in today’s society. Everyone’s advertising they’re completely uncensored and against censorship. The right to free speech is a must they declare, or so they say, but do they? What is meant when they say “Free Speech,” or is this another tactic to promote opposition? Another way to add division diversity in today’s culture: Is this simply another form of control?

The playing field is rigged, but only if you play their game. What if I said, “The southern border crisis is a biblical prophecy written in the book of Revelations, KJV Bible. The dragon opened its mouth and a flood poured from the dragon’s mouth to devour the child/children, but the earth assisted the child/children and opened her mouth and swallowed the flood.” Your first question might be, “What are you talking about? The dragon opened its mouth representing the southern border being wide-open. The flood poured from the dragon’s mouth represents the flood of migrants pouring into the USA. We all know this issue topic, but we don’t see the comparison to biblical prophecy. The answer is in the final piece: The earth opened her mouth and swallowed the flood. This means it will eventually run itself into the ground. Therefore, people are getting all worked up over something that’s already solved or will be solved eventually.

The point I’m making with this statement is: If you step into that flood, it will carry you away. It’s a trap! It was designed to devour. So, stay out of the flood and let nature take its course. It will happen as it’s written, and there’s nothing we can do to change any of it –– Except: Do not get caught up in that trap. Wow! That was a mouthful.

Now, the real question is: If I wrote, said, or submitted this material –– would you read it? or publish it? Probably not! Why? Because the mainstream narrative is not talking about it –– It’s not trending. Who cares? Even if the information is the answer to everything you need to know –– It’s not trending. The mainstream versus alternative media narratives are one and the same; both parties are in opposition to one another. The argumental narratives are simply divided into two columns –– Either for or against (You’re with us, or against us). The topic is what’s controlled. Anything controlled: Is not free mind spirit. What if my opinion is not the same perspective or doesn’t sell the narrative?

What if I were to say, “X didn’t change; it just switched sides from left to right? Now, if you disagree with what the right wing tells you to believe, you get expelled from X for not going along. Only now, they will call you a “Lefty,” and attack you even worse than the left. Calling you lefty makes them feel justified to do so. Two forms of censorship are now present. Two narratives are created to divide, and if you don’t go along with one or the other, Welcome to the real censorship world. You might find that uncensored is more censored than censored. But…Hey! That’s just my opinion.

Todd Fabyanic is currently attending Full Sail University for his BFA in Creative Writing. He’s very creative and a valuable asset to any project task or production. Working with Todd is always a satisfying and goal-reaching experience. A writer with passion and a fulfilling, meaningful purpose.

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