Well It's Lyin' Time Again

Flash Fiction by Lee Hammerschmidt

“So, Colonel,” Carmen Laveau, descendant of Marie Laveau, the Queen of Voodoo, said. “How can I help you?”

“We are in need of a special potion,” Colonel Rodrigo, head of the Cordoba Cay secret police, said. “A truth serum, if you will. We have captured a rebel insurgent, Oleg Tecate. We need to know what they have planned. We’ve tried all the old stand byes; sodium pentothal, scopolamine, mescaline, midazolam, muscatel, Michelob Ultra, you name it. We can’t get a peep out of him.”

“I have just the thing.”

Carmen began putting an assortment of strange-looking, native-grown bananas, mangos, oranges, figs, and assorted berries on the table next to her Vita-Mix.

“What?” Rodrigo said. “You’re going to make him a smoothie?”

“None like he has ever had,” Carmen said, putting the produce in the blender. “The soil here on Cordoba Cay, contains minerals and elements found nowhere else in the world. Once I blend them together, and cast my spell of course, no one cannot stop spilling the beans. In fact. It’s difficult to shut them up.”

“You’re kidding? This will make him tell us what we want to know?”

“Absolutely,” Corona said. “These fruits were made for squawking.”

Lee Hammerschmidt is a Visual Artist/Writer/Troubadour. He is the author of the short story collections, A Hole Of My Own, It’s Noir O’clock Somewhere, For Richer or Noirer, and Flash Wounds. Check out his hit parade on YouTube!

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