In LindaAnn LoSchiavo’s rondeau poem "Forgive Me, Too," the speaker reflects on the disillusionment of love and trust. Echoing Lupe Velez’s insight on relationships, the poem grapples with the realization of deceit and the emotional aftermath of a passion that led to vulnerability and betrayal.
Forgive Me, Too

Written Tales
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Past Served Al Fresco
Guest Author
May 22, 2022
Journey through the palates of time with 'Past Served Al Fresco' by Anna Staropoli. This poetic masterpiece weaves together the colors, tastes, and history of ...
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1 Corinthians 13:11
Doug Hawley
June 21, 2023
In Doug Hawley’s short story "1 Corinthians 13:11," the narrator reflects on the truth of growing up. Despite childhood experiences filled with typical activities and ...
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