My Poetry, most Ardent

Poem by Subhadra Narayann

You left me a decrepit verse,
estranged in dissonant rhymes.
A crumbling cacophonous
configuration of words,
haphazardly chopped
- restlessly undecoded, amiss.
And every beat it served to mar
with callous, indiscriminate intonation.
Composed of imagery immaculately stark,
yet, numb and alien to the senses.
Ironically though, you will remain
my poetry, most ardent, forevermore.

Subhadra is a former secondary school teacher turned poet and writer from Singapore who has turned to writing as a creative outlet and elixir to life’s many challenging and confounding contradictions. Poetry writing for her represents a safe space that guides her self-expression, where she hopes to create ripples with her dancing quill.

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