Enjoy the Two Top Reader Picks
The challenge was writing a poem or flash fiction story about a creature you encountered in the woods. In the description, show us, don’t tell. Use any of the five senses to describe the scene as it unfolds.
Based on what our reader likes, meet the two poems by Robert Bussey and Moe Phillips. To handle the tiebreakers, I sorted them in Chronological order, and the first post with the same number of likes won. Enjoy these two fun writes.
There was a rustling
A bustling amongst the leaves.
A quick bark
To let me know it was near.
Perhaps it had some young’uns.
I never saw them,
As it scampered from limb to limb.
But I had to grin
As it performed its acrobatic tricks
Looking for this or that.
Poking its nose into everything.
And finally, finally, stopping long enough
To munch on a seed or nut
Or perhaps an insect
Caught unawares.
This one was brown, not grey, not red, not black.
It barked one more time as I walked on and looked back.
Puff of smoke glides through night air.
Moist ground alive with meal and meat.
Five feet of wings, haunts the trees.
Listening for the roar, of a miniature pink foot.
Head swivels. Eyes blink.
North. Then South.
Talons stretch and bend.
Itching for the strike.
Burst of dried leaves, sends a gunshot
through the forest.
They float down,
as silent as the hunter,
to rest again
in the fresh indentation
of empty earth.
To get featured in these challenges, join in the fun, share, and let the amazing readers decide your fate muuuhahahahah!